Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to mint NFTs on Litho?
Good news! Because of the low energy consumption nature of CENNZnet, it’s extremely affordable to mint on Litho! The gas fee is calculated based on the resources required for the NFTs you are minting. In the preview step of Minting NFTs, you will see the estimated amount of gas fees required.
What is a crypto wallet?
A crypto wallet is a software application that lets you access your cryptocurrencies.
What wallets can I use with Litho?
How does the gas fee work in selling NFTs?
Currently, the service fees are waived! This means it’s free to create listings on the Litho Marketplace!
How long do the auctions last?
The seller can set the length of the auction when they create the listing. By default, all listings are closed after 3 days.
What file formats can I use for my NFTs?
We currently support the following file extensions:
bmp, gif, jpeg, png, svg, tiff, webp, mp4, ogv, quicktime, webm, glb, mp3, oga, wav, xwav, flac, pdf, html (zip archive), md